Saturday, April 18, 2009


Hi to all. Hope everyone had a great Easter. We went up to Zak's and Robs the day before and spent the night. They had a wedding to go to out of town so they spent the night there since it would be late coming home. I did some cleaning for them, because Robben was told to limit her activity for a few weeks. We thought about having a wild party, but instead walked across the street to the local bar with Matt and had a burger as we watched the drunks. Peter and Libby along with Eleonor were coming, but Libby was sick and Peter slid off the road in the snowstorm and wrecked his car so it was just the 4 of us with lots of food. Zak didn't seem to mind eating the 36 deviled eggs. It was a good time. Speaking of good food. Earlier that week we went to a Passover Celebration at our friends home, Mark and Mia. They live behind us, and they have alpacas. Did you know that on Passover each Jewish person is required to drink 4 glasses of wine? The 4 glasses symbolizes the 4 promises that God made the Jewish people. Lynn had fun drinking with the Rabbi. The food was super. Mark made the best lamb I've ever had. Needless to say I didn't accept any subbing jobs the next day.

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