Thursday, October 16, 2008


I'll add the pictures when I get the cd from Walmart. Robs computer doesn't have the right port for my camera chip. Utah was great. The first day we drove there and camped near some old tower ruins. The next day we hiked in south Mule canyon and found some really cool ruins. There were pottery shards everywhere in their trash heap. We found 3 more ruins. One had very little left of it. There were 2 graineries high up in the cliffs, but I was a little bit leery about climbing up that high on the slick rock. We slept under the stars again to wake up with rain! We four wheeled most of the day. The dirt gets almost like grease so some of the roads got scarey cause if you went off you would end up in a dry creek bed stuck. We decided to go to a motel to clean up. I didn't think too much of the place. The next day we went to the Needles National Park and got a back country pass. The only give out 8 a day. The only 2 campsites had already been taken. The 4 wheeling was awesome. One road was washed out so we took off hiking with the sun coming out finally. We saw fresh bear tracks and scat on the trail which made me nervous especially since the gun was in the cruiser. We didn't have time to get the the ruins which are some of the best. There is always next time.We stayed in a cute motel with pink bathroom fixtures, but it was clean. The next day we went home sadly.

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